Křivoklát (CZ)

Building research

An intensive investigation of the constructions of the four medieval main building phases of
Křivoklát Castle were carried out as part of complex research in Bohemian castles. This work is not an isolated application but a combination of various research disciplines (e.g. building research, archaeology, archive research) The historical investigation of the castle was carried out by the State Institute for Reconstruction of Monuments and Historical Objects. In the course of these activities the whole building complex was surveyed and measured.

The archaeological research of the castle carried out by the Czech Archaeological Institute of the Academy of Science from 1973 until 2003 revealed numerous fundamental findings. It was concerned with a combination of a salvage excavation and a systematic excavation. All in all more than 150 archaeological sondages , some large scale, were carried out. In the course of these investigations several hundred profiles were compiled in various parts of the castle complex.

With the help of these complex stratigraphs it is possible to create a reliable reconstruction of the buildings development. Parallel to the archaeological documentation and with the help of classical surveying methods and photogrammetry numerous situations and stratigraphs in the masonry were documented and evaluated.

An important research component is the geophysical prospection of selected areas using several methods (above all electrical resistance measurement). Archive research provided valuable Information about the development of the castle construction.

Křivoklát Castle is one of the best researched medieval castles in Bohemia.